In this episode, Karen Oeser talks about the importance of financial literacy.
Take away: It doesn’t matter how much you make, it matters how much you keep.
Action step: Go look at your credit card statement and see what this tells you about yourself. If you don’t like what it shows you, take the brave step to talk to somebody you trust.
Money Learnings: Karen’s mother is a bookkeeper and her father is a CPA but is not a very good steward of money. Her experiences growing up and with her parents being in the industry, taught her to learn the ability to work with and understand money.
Bio: Karen is the Principal of East Light Investments, a company that partners with passive investors to acquire value-add apartments buildings in the southeast. Prior to launching East Light Investments, she managed multi-million-dollar investment portfolios for over twenty years. She often speaks to groups at large seminars because she loves sharing her knowledge.
Taking her passion for financial literacy to the marketplace, Karen recently launched Financial Literacy for Her, a program created to help women overcome their fear of money and empower them to live in financial freedom. She specially designed FLH to be a safe place for women to be vulnerable and ask scary questions without judgement. As part of the program, each client is partnered with a knowledgeable coach to create a diversified wealth plan to help them realize their dreams. In addition, clients will be teamed up with other like-minded women to share in their journeys.
In her capacity as a pastor and Licensed Minister of Dance, Karen works with families who have loved ones struggling with drug addiction, mental illness, and incarceration. In her free time, she loves spending time with her teenage sons, being outdoors, traveling, and volunteering at her church.
Highlights from this episode: Link to episode page
Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!
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Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast
Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.