In this episode, Derrick Kinney shared the biggest mistakes people are making with their investment decisions.
Take away: Make money and use it to make a difference in the world.
Action step: Look at yourself in the mirror, regardless of your current financial responsibilities now, is there a cause that you would like to make a difference in.
Money Learnings: Derrick as he grew up in a lower middle class family, he learned a lesson that money wasn't derived from what you wear.
Bio: As the man that media outlets like Fox Business, CNBC and Reuters call-on to make sense of complex financial topics, sought-after money expert Derrick Kinney believes money is not bad and good people should have more of it. Derrick launched Good Money Framework and the new Good Money Podcast, to change the conversation about money by teaching his community to put meaning behind their money - and share Good Money insights from A-list guests like Matthew McConaughey, Daymond John and Michael Hyatt.
Highlights from this episode: Link to episode page
Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to a more purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!
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Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast
Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.